Philippines Putting Efforts in Promoting Gastronomy Tourism

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Philippines Putting Efforts in Promoting Gastronomy Tourism

The Department of Tourism (DOT) of the Philippines sees the potential of Filipino cuisines as a means of boosting the country's tourism industry. To support the development of food tourism, the agency plans to go on with its pilot project Chefs’ Food Trip to the Philippines.

In the frame of the project, prominent international chefs are invited to promote local Filipino food abroad. Gastronomic tourism is emerging globally as one of the main driving forces of today's travel. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) reported that food is “a central part of the tourism experience" and makes up one-third of a tourist’s expenses.

The Philippines are ready to offer foodies a wealth of heirloom recipes and a choice of food-centric festivals. Each region boasts their own unique flavours that distinguish them among the others.

Ilocanos are fond of vegetables and this is evident in their claim to culinary fame in the form of pinakbet, a vegetable dish consisting of squash, okra, bittermelon, eggplant, tomatoes, and string beans and usually cooked with fermented fish paste or bagoong.

Bicolano cuisine is unique in their use of coconut milk and chili.

Bulakeños are known for their slow cooking method, often taking advantage of what is caught in the river or brought from the vast farm lands. 

Pampanga is every foodie's dream destination especially for the meat lovers.

The Cordillera mountains is home to the ethnic tribe of Igorots. Besides their colourful beliefs and cultures, their local cuisine borders on interesting and flavourful to downright controversial.

The highly urbanized city of Iloilo is home to delicious soups of Pancit Molo (Chinese noodle soup of pork, chicken, or prawn dumplings) and La Paz batchoy (miki noodle soup with pig innards, pork cracklings, and chicken stock).

The dishes in Mindanao are largely influenced by the Malays and being predominantly Muslim, pork dishes is a rarity.



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